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26 items found for ""
- Вебинары, семинары, публикации | ruceek394
Webinars 2014-2019 year 1/4 2019-2023 year 1/13 Seminars, forums, conferences 2014-2019 year 1/1 2019-2023 year 1/6 Publications 2014-2019 year 1/5 2019-2023 year 1/6 Up
- Картотеки, наглядность | ruceek394
Картотеки Card index of tongue twisters Card file for outdoor games Card file of musical and didactic games Картотека мирилок Поделки из бумаги Игры с палочками Кьюзнера Наглядность для бесед с детьми Card file "Wintering birds" Card file - "Migratory birds" Food chains (water body, meadow, forest) Interactive Diagrams - "Material Properties" Interactive guide "My place in the Universe" Какая бывает мука? Планеты Солнечной системы Изобразительные средства Живопись Графика Архитектура Дизайн Up
- Консультации для родителей | ruceek394
Developing a motivation with mom Consultation "Let's play with children" Consultation "What toys do not develop imagination in children?" Consultation "Prevention of flat feet" Consultation "Teaching traffic rules for preschoolers in the family" Consultation "How to find a common language with a child or five ways to a child's heart?" 10 ironic tips to make your child unhappy Consultation "Influence of parental attitudes on the development of children" Consultation "Hyperactive child" Consultation "What to do if your child is too aggressive?" Consultation "The importance of books in the development of children" Recommendations for creating a book with your own hands Enriching the child's vocabulary Consultation "Developing coherent speech by playing" Consultation "Etiquette and manners of children at home" Active listening. Communicate with your child. How? Memo "What should a child of 4-5 years know and be able to do?" Memo "Intellectual development of children 5, 6, 7 years old" Family traditions that teach responsibility, kindness and empathy How to teach children to empathize? Don't do work for children Информационный буклет "Кибербезопасность детей и подростков" «Как выстроить индивидуальную образовательную траекторию ребенка в МЭО» Lots of whys in front of school Какими понятиями должен овладеть ребенок до поступления в школу "Как рассказать детям о Великой Отечественной войне" Up
- Интернет-ресурсы | ruceek394
Kindergarten No. 394 in Chelyabinsk Fairy tales and audio stories for children "Basket of fairy tales" "Mishka's books" "Come on, children!" Children's creativity Planet of crafts. Crafts from all over the world. Encyclopedia of Craftsmanship "Toy" Handicraft Guide CREATIVE BABY - crafts from all over the world for kids Competitions for children and teachers Tournament of abilities "RostOK" Competitions "Giftedness.ru" Information and educational resource "Step forward" "Fifth Dimension" Art talent Competitions for teachers "Master" "Educators.ru" Совушка Games for children Game library for preschoolers Play: interactive games online Logozavria (computer games) IQsha classes and exercises for preschoolers Online resources for activities with children Early development of children Home path: development from birth to school Online resources for educators International educational portal MAAM.RU Educational social network- nsportal.ru Methodological center "numi.ru" Method-collection. Journal of educational workers. Site for kindergarten teachers "Preschooler" Pedagogical portal "PEDAGOGI.RF" Высшая школа делового админинстрирования Site for mothers of babies "Well, mother!" Site for the whole family "Preschooler" Portal for children "Sun" Up
- Мастер-классы | ruceek394
For teachers Algorithm for creating and conducting a New Year's web-quest For parents "Santa Claus in love" Booklet: "The structure of the educational web-quest" Booklet: "Stages of the web-quest" Parent Activity Log booklet Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Microsoft PowerPoint Мастер-класс "Технология составления метафор" Up
- Для педагогов | ruceek394
Open lesson "Let's Save Kindness" (January 2015) 1/6 Open show for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Space travel" (April 2021) 1/1 Открытый показ для педагогов ДОУ "Космическое путешествие" (апрель 2021 года) 1/7 Мастер-класс для педагогов "Создание интерактивной игры в Microsoft PowerPoint-"Крестики-нолики" " (май 2021 года) 1/1 Open screening by educational area "Speech development": composing a story based on a picture using TRIZ technology (December 2015) Master class for teachers "Creating an interactive game in Microsoft PowerPoint -" Tic-Tac-Toe "" (May 2021) 1/17 Отчет о проведении дистанционного мероприятия для детей и родителей- web-квест "Вовка в тридевятом царстве" (март 2021 года) 1/6 Единый городской методический день Круглый стол «Формирование и развитие детско – взрослого сообщества с использованием ресурса «МЭО». (октябрь, 2021) 1/3 Открытый показ для педагогов ДОУ Квест "Путешествие в Изумрудный город"" (апрель 2022 года) 1/15 Up
- Межрегиональные конкурсы и мероприятия | ruceek394
2014-2019 year 2019-2023 year My participation 1/8 1/7 Participation of children 2014-2019 year 1/15 2019-2023 year 1/27 Up
- Программа кружка "АБВГДейка" | ruceek394
ДООП социально-педагогической направленности АБВГДейка" 6-7 лет Up
- Для родителей | ruceek394
Workshop for parents: "Home game library - educational games with children " (March 2015) 1/4 Master class with parents "Easter Bunny" (April-May 2016) 1/9 New Year's master class with parents "Santa Claus in love" (December 2015) 1/9 Creation of conditions for the organization winter walks (December 2016) 1/10 The project "We want to be healthy!" (March 2019) 1/2 Competition "Teach me to play" (April 2019) 1/6 Parent-teacher meeting "The game is not fun" (December 2019 ) 1/1 "Cooking duel for mother's day" (March 2020) 1/18 Creating conditions for decorating the walking area (December 2020) 1/8 Up
- Для детей | ruceek394
Literary evening dedicated to A.S. Pushkin (October 2014) 1/9 District stage of the city environmental competition "LITTLE PRINCE" (February 2015) 1/9 "We know the rules of movement, like a multiplication table!" (September 2016) 1/12 Animal protection day (October 2016) 1/8 Organization of partner activities (December 2016) 1/6 Open House Day for Parents lesson - "The Mystery of the Lost Food" (March 2017) Experiments with clay, sand, stone. (October, 2017) 1/9 Conducting experiments with color. (November, 2017) 1/3 Quest "The Amazing World of Insects" (July 2017) 1/19 Carrying out a role-playing game "Dry Cleaning" (October, 2019) 1/8 Sand painting (January 2021) 1/14 "Осенняя ярмарка " (сентябрь, 2021 года) 1/5 Проект "Азбука профессий " (октябрь, 2021 года) 1/1 "I sculpt from plasticine Ball, ball and penguin ... " (December, 2018) 1/6 Conversation "What is Tolerance?" 1/10 Passing the web-quest "Vovka in the distant kingdom" (February 2021) 1/6 Проект "Моё место во Вселенной " (сентябрь, 2021 года) 1/1 Конкурс чтецов "Золотая осень" (октябрь, 2021 года) 1/1 Акция "Покормите птиц зимой" (ноябрь-декабрь, 2021 года) Районные соревнования по лыжным гонкам (февраль 2022) 1/13 1/4 Первенство по русским шашкам "Курчатовец -2022" (март 2022) 1/3 Районные соревнования среди дошкольных образовательных учреждений "Малышок" (март 2022) 1/6 Первый отборочный этап городского конкурса "Почемучки" (март 2022г.) 1/4 Второй отборочный этап городского конкурса "Почемучки"- творческий блок (апрель 2022г.) 1/3 Проект "Её величество время" (апрель 2022г.) 1/6 Мастер-класс "Фронтовое письмо" (май 2022г.) 1/12 Выставка детского творчества "Фантастический космос" (апрель 2022г.) 1/8 Мероприятие "День Победы-важный праздник" (май 2022г.) 1/10 Районные соревнования по лёгкой атлетике (май 2022) 1/2 Up
- Сертифицированные документы | ruceek394
Education Advanced training 1/5 Assigning a qualification category In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region No. 03/3776 of October 22, 2019 on the establishment of the highest qualification category for teachers of organizations engaged in educational activities. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region No. 01/2554 of August 28, 2014 on the establishment of the highest qualification category for teachers of organizations engaged in educational activities. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Up
- Обучающие мультфильмы для детей | ruceek394
Educational presentations and cartoons for children I have made a selection of videos and presentations for older preschool children to familiarize or reinforce the topics of the week in kindergarten. "My city", "My Motherland" Video tutorial "What is Motherland?" "Road alphabet" "For kids about fire safety" "Animal world" "Colors of Autumn" "Harvest" "City of masters" "Our way of life" "Kindness rules the world" "Friendship" "My family" "Mothers Day" "Who prepares for winter how?" "Winter fun" "Folk traditions" "Hello, winter-winter!" "New Year's Kaleidoscope" "Christmas tale" "Visiting a fairy tale" "ABC of Security" "Etiquette" "I am human" "We want to be healthy" "Our defenders" "Women's Day" "The world of nature" "We meet the birds" "Spring is striding the planet" "The circus" "Healthier" "Space" "Spring and Labour Day" "Victory Day" "Sorceress - water"