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  • Опыт работы | ruceek394

    Создание условий в ДОУ для формирования связной речи у детей. "Development of the emotional sphere of senior preschool children through various types of children's activities" 1/12 "The use of interactive technologies in partnership activities of preschoolers." 1/16 Up

  • Региональные конкурсы и мероприятия | ruceek394

    My participation 2014-2019 year 1/5 2019-2023 year 1/5 Participation of children 2014-2019 year 2019-2023 year 1/3 1/29 Up

  • Обратная связь | ruceek394

    Contact me to ask your question Name Email post office Message Send message Information has been sent. Thank you!

  • Онлайн тесты, викторины | ruceek394

    Healthy and healthy nutrition games "Измерь слово" "Гласный-согласный" "Твердый-мягкий" Расширение кругозора, окружающий мир Healthy Food Pantry Interactive Quiz Interactive game "Tic-tac-toe" Викторина "Живая-неживая природа" Up

  • Презентации | ruceek394

    Presentations for notes "Space trip" "Autumn Adventures" A.S. Pushkin's literary evening "Secrets of Conflict-Free Communication" "Forest journey in search of Masha" "Winter fun" " "Bird feeders" Role-playing game "Dry Cleaning" Presentations for conversations and classes to expand horizons "Folk traditions" "My city. My country" "On the history of bells" "Types and kind of troops" "How to keep your health?" "Harvest" "Traveling in the Urals" Достопримечательности Челябинска "Travel to the village of Boltushkino" "What is Tolerance?" "Путешевстие в Изумрудный город" Up

  • Главная | ruceek394

    EN EN RU Up Welcome to my personal website! My name is Evgenia Andreevna Derkach. I am an educator of the highest qualification category. My experience in teaching is 13 years. I am currently working in MBDOU DS No. 394 of the city of Chelyabinsk. 1/6 In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” "You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy." A. S. Makarenko ​ Сайт создан с целью презентации своего педагогического опыта, а так же для представления педагогическому сообществу своих авторских материалов.

  • Web-квесты | ruceek394

    Modern education is focused on the fact that we, as educators, must teach children how to learn. What do these words mean? That is, children, relying on previously acquired ZUNs, should be able to independently obtain information, analyze and systematize it, put forward hypotheses, build models , experiment, draw conclusions, and make decisions in difficult situations. Quests and web-quests are one of the forms of interactive interaction that combines all these requirements. Web-quest - includes a problematic task with elements of a role-playing game, for which the information resources of the Internet are used. It includes three main elements that distinguish it from a simple search for information on the Internet: the presence of a problem, the search for information, the solution to the problem. The quests developed by me involve the cooperation of children and adults (parents, teachers), thereby helping the child to become a full-fledged participant in the educational process, awaken children's curiosity, stimulate the child's own activity on a particular topic. Material for organizing the web-quest "In Search of the New Year" (for teachers and parents) Educational web-quest "Museum for Smeshariki" (on the topic of the week - "The world of nature") Educational web-quest "Vovka in the far-off kingdom" (literacy training) Educational web-quest "Luntik in Search of Friends" (on the topic of the week - "The Amazing World of Insects") Up

  • Домашняя игротека | ruceek394

    Games for parents and kids Dear parents and colleagues, this page contains a selection of materials (games, texts, diagrams, presentations, etc.) for working with children to consolidate the topics of the week in kindergarten. September The design of the educational process is built on the basis of an integrated thematic model. The theme of the week is "Hello, kindergarten!" I propose to play with children interactive games to learn all the colors of the rainbow, as well as other colors that a preschooler needs to know. Learning colors while playing is fun and exciting! Learn the colors of the rainbow - a game library of educational activities about colors As well as interactive games to consolidate familiarity with simple geometric shapes that every preschooler needs to know. And funny characters will make the learning process even more fun and exciting. Geometric figures A selection of interactive logic games to consolidate sensory concepts such as: size, weight, orientation in space, etc. Logic games Theme of the week "My City" Tasks on the lexical topic "My city" Production of the panel "My yard" Paper construction "House with a surprise" Topic of the week "Road alphabet" Tasks on the lexical topic "Transport. Traffic rules" Tangram "Transport" Interactive game "Modes of transport" Theme of the week "For kids about fire safety" Game "Yes" and "No" Experiments with fire Board-printed game "Fire safety" Theme of the week "Animal world" Interactive game: Magic Wheel "Animals" Interactive game: "Wild and domestic animals" Tangram "Beasts" October Theme of the week "Colors of Autumn" Tasks for the lexical topic "Autumn. Trees" Interactive game "Trees" Crafts from autumn leaves Theme of the week "Harvest" Tasks for lexical topics "Mushrooms. Berries. Forest", "Fruits", "Vegetables" Presentation with interactive games "Autumn Adventures" Garden Sudoku Theme of the week "City of Masters" Tasks for the lexical topic "Professions" Interactive game "Professions" Game 1 Interactive game "Professions" Game 2 Interactive game "Professions" Game 3 Topic of the week "Our everyday life" Tasks on the lexical topic "Dishes. Food" Interactive Riddles "Dishes" Interactive game "Clean up the room" Funny questions "About the house" November Topic of the week "Kindness rules the world" Jumping Frog Interactive Math Game Puzzle "Friendly fox" Theme of the week "Friendship" Interactive game "What is what is made of what?" Paper construction "Puppy" Theme of the week "My family" Tasks for the lexical topic "My family" Conversation with children "Mom is a granddaughter, dad is a son?" Mother's Day Theme of the Week Counting stick games December Topic of the week "Who How to Prepare for Winter?" Read the educational text "How animals prepare for winter" to the children. Theme of the week "Winter Fun" Tasks for the lexical topic "Winter fun" Interactive riddles "Winter fun" Interactive game "Snowballs" Topic of the week "Folk traditions" Interactive riddles "Russian folk" Part 1 Interactive riddles "Russian folk" Part 2 The theme of the week is "Hello, winter-winter!" Tasks on the lexical topic "Winter" Winter puzzles Mosaic "Fir-tree" Theme of the week "New Year's Kaleidoscope " Sudoku "Christmas toys" Interactive labyrinth "New Year" Spot the differences "Snow Maiden" January Theme of the week "Christmas Tale" Games with ice and water (experiments) Winter Walking coloring page Topic of the week "Visiting a fairy tale " Labyrinth "Kolobok" Spot the difference "Turnip" Topic of the week "ABC of Security " Electrical Appliance Games Smeshariki. Alphabet of safety. - "Extinguishing electrical appliances" Part 1 Smeshariki. Alphabet of safety. - "Extinguishing electrical appliances" Part 2 February Topic of the week "Etiquette " Games for the formation of spatial representations in children Topic of the week "I am human " Tasks for the lexical topic "Human body" Interactive game "Human body" Interactive game "Fingers" Topic of the week "We want to be healthy " Presentation of the conversation "Should I take care of my teeth and why?" Topic of the week "Our defenders " Tasks for the lexical topic "Our Army" Interactive game "Artist Mistakes" Part1 Interactive game "Artist's Mistakes" Part 2 March Topic of the week "Women's Day " Tasks for the lexical topic "Women's Day" Interactive game "March 8" Interactive mosaic "Bouquet for mom" Spot the Difference "At Granny's" Theme of the week "World of Nature " "What is animate and inanimate nature?" Interactive game "Grow a flower" Interactive game "Wild and inanimate nature" Theme of the week "Meet the Birds " Tasks on the lexical topic "Migratory birds" Children's educational film about birds Interactive game "Wintering and migrating birds" Theme of the week "Spring strides the planet " Tasks on the lexical topic Spring. Signs of spring. Descriptive story about spring according to the scheme Presentation "Signs of Spring" Live mnemonic table: S. Ya Marshak "April" April Theme of the week "Circus " Presentation "About the circus for children" Interactive game "Connect by dots. Circus" Interactive coloring page "Seal in the circus" Topic of the week "Healthier " Tasks on the lexical topic "Sport" Informative presentation "How to keep your health?" Theme of the week "Space " Tasks on the lexical topic "Space" Traveling through the solar system (educational film) Adventure game "Space travel" DIY: Origami paper "Rocket" Topic of the week "Kindness rules the world " Watching the cartoon "What is Good and What is Bad?" Reading the story "The Magic Word" by V. Oseeva Interactive game "What is good and what is bad?" Interactive game "Good and bad deeds" Theme of the week "Holiday of Spring and Labor" Preschoolers about the holiday on May 1. Spring and Labour Day Complete the picture "Eggs for Easter" Easter puzzle game "Chickens" May Theme of the week "Victory Day" Quiz for children "My Motherland is Russia!" St. George ribbon - presentation for Victory Day Animals in War - Victory Day presentation Theme of the week "Sorceress-water" Experiments with water Find 10 Differences "Underwater" Tangram "Sea inhabitants"

  • Авторские пособия | ruceek394

    Каталог инноваций «Звуковой домик», «Город гласных и согласных букв» Каталог инноваций «Коробочка самоконтроля" Up

  • Деркач Евгения Андреевна | Ruceek394 | Челябинск

    Healthy and healthy nutrition games Healthy Food Pantry Interactive Quiz Interactive game "Tic-tac-toe" Find the pair "What for what?" "Healthy and unhealthy food" Загадки Животные Африки Up

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